If you are a Copywriter and your job is to produce content of various kinds both online and offline, this article is definitely for you. Have you ever heard of Copywriting Brief? If the answer is no, just know that it is an indispensable element if your intent is to write compelling, engaging and effective content.

Continue reading the article to find out how it can help you create better content.

What is a Copywriting Brief
A Copywriter Brief, is a document that allows you to capture and fully understand what is the essence of a Brand, its values and goals, giving you the ability to create and structure content that is literally sewn to the same.

The creation of a Copywriter Brief can take time, research and a lot of attention to fully understand the industry you are working on, and without a doubt, it is the only document through which you will be able to create valuable content for that specific company.

The creation of this document as well as essential must be done through processes that are clear and precise, especially regarding the content and information it will contain.

Let’s see together what it is all about.

How to create a Copywriting Brief
To begin the creation of a Copywriting Brief it is necessary to indicate all that are the essential data of the company or brand with which we are working.

The information you will necessarily need to get will be:

  • name of the brand or company;
  • contact information;
  • target industry;
  • description, albeit brief, of the brand or company;
  • description of products and services offered;
  • copy design (site content, Advertising).

Once you have accomplished this first step you can move on to expand your Brief by including information such as the Brand’s history, Mission and Values.

Your content, should describe in depth if somewhat, let’s say charmingly, what exactly the company is about, what its history is (where it came from) and its mission (where it wants to go) and its values.

This information, usually (it depends very much on the type of company you are working with) you will be able to find out by talking directly to the owner or CEO of the company, while in more structured and larger companies you will have to approach the account manager.

In the event that a brand or company has not yet defined these points, history, mission and values the only thing you can do is to be patient and if you have the opportunity, talk to owners or managers.

Defining the target audience and brand goals

Another key thing for a Copywriting Brief is to define exactly the brand’s target audience and goals by answering these questions:

  • Who does it target?
  • Who are your products and services aimed at?
  • How to bring a potential customer to be a de facto customer?

Speaking of target audience, defining it clearly will allow you, during production, to hit the right spots and send the message only to those who might be really interested in the products and services offered by the brand.

To define the target audience you can help yourself by having data such as:

  • Google Analitics data;
  • data from site registrations;
  • data collected through market research that the company has done;
  • Iinformation on gender, age, interests and habits.

Accompanying this must also be a clear definition of business goals.

This is indispensable, in order to create content perfectly aimed at achieving them.

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