Content Marketing Archives - SEO, content marketing, social marketing and digital advertising Sat, 17 Dec 2022 14:29:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Content Marketing Archives - SEO, content marketing, social marketing and digital advertising 32 32 214968505 How To Define Brand Awareness Sat, 17 Dec 2022 14:29:33 +0000 In online marketing we hear more and more about brand awareness, but without defining what it is and why it is important. You are in the right place, because today we are going to do an analysis on this very topic. Before you set up a marketing strategy and invest part of your budget to […]

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In online marketing we hear more and more about brand awareness, but without defining what it is and why it is important.

You are in the right place, because today we are going to do an analysis on this very topic.

Before you set up a marketing strategy and invest part of your budget to advertising, you need to know the definition of brand awareness and include specific actions to increase it.

For this reason, we will look in detail at:

  • what is brand awareness,
  • why it is important,
  • how to increase brand awareness,
  • how to measure it.

Continue reading for all the details.

What is brand awareness?
Brand awareness is the degree to which your brand is known in the eyes of the public.

Literally brand awareness is translated as “brand awareness” and is that sense of familiarity of the audience with your brand.

The higher the brand awareness, the more your target audience and visitors to your website and social pages will trust your content and what you communicate at all stages of the purchase journey.

Working to define brand awareness basically means being present in the minds of consumers.

The degree of awareness of your brand can affect conversions and interactions with your communication channels.

The importance of brand awareness
Brand awareness and the trust your target audience places in your company are key elements in increasing sales conversions.

Marketing actions that aim to build solid and positive brand awareness can never be missing from a company’s overall sales strategy.

Indeed, it is easy to see that if people do not know your brand, they will not trust the quality and features of the products you offer and, at the same time, they will not feel aligned with your values.

To create brand awareness you can also focus on so-called brand image, that is, knowledge of the company’s logo.
Companies with strong brand awareness, in fact, can also be recognized by the public simply by the logo.

Part of brand awareness is a particular slogan, specific packaging, or any differentiating element that can be recognized by the public.

Building and increasing brand awareness is important for improving conversions and sales results.

Useful strategies for increasing brand awareness
Given the importance of brand awareness, here are some useful strategies for increasing it.

Enhancing your brand presence requires investing in advertising, with informative content and sales content, on the platforms frequented by our target audience.

The repetition and continuity with which we produce and share our content increases our brand awareness.

In addition, making informative content that draws attention to audience needs and issues helps build a sense of trust in our brand.

Depending on your budget for a strategy to increase brand awareness, you may decide to engage well-known personalities known to your target audience, influencers (with what is called influencer marketing), testimonials, or set up arrangements with other already well-known non-competing brands that have the same target audience as us.

What we can do ourselves to increase brand awareness is to work on social and search engine ads and optimize our content using SEO writing to be indexed by Google and appear before other competitors in certain searches.

How is brand awareness measured?
To monitor, improve, and organize the communication carried out to increase brand awareness, it is important to know how to measure this intangible indicator.

Two useful indicators that make up brand awareness are:

1.brand recall (i.e., recall of the brand),
2.brand recognition (i.e., the degree of brand recognition).

Both indicators can be measured simply through tests and questionnaires distributed directly to the public.

To calculate brand recall, it is sufficient to ask people which brands they associate with a specific product category or which brands they associate with a specific need to be met.

To measure brand recognition, on the other hand, during the questionnaire, we can show some of the companies’ brands and logos or even parts of them and count how many people recognized our company brand.

Both indicators can be calculated on a percentage basis and can give a specific measure of how strong our brand awareness is and whether it is necessary to define some of the activities listed above to increase brand awareness.

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The Brand Reputation Sat, 17 Dec 2022 14:26:03 +0000 Brand reputation refers to the entire set of evaluations, perceptions, and expectations that each person involved directly or indirectly in a company’s projects, has towards it or a brand it represents or promotes. All of this is the sole result of the communication and conduct that such a company chooses to use. But let us […]

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Brand reputation refers to the entire set of evaluations, perceptions, and expectations that each person involved directly or indirectly in a company’s projects, has towards it or a brand it represents or promotes.

All of this is the sole result of the communication and conduct that such a company chooses to use. But let us try to better understand what this is all about.

Brand reputation what it is
Giving a single, clear-cut meaning of brand reputation is very difficult, since as anticipated, it is a set of perceptions, expectations and then judgments, which are always and I mean always, the direct consequence of a company’s conduct within a given market and social and economic context.

Basically, brand reputation is a value judgment that the public has about a company and its conduct. A concept that I would dare to call multidimensional.

One very important thing, is not to confuse brand reputation with immage reputation.

Immage reputation is built and displayed by the company according to its own strategies and needs, and between us it does not always correspond to reality, while brand reputation as already explained, is the direct consequence of concrete actions and accounted for through real reports.

Fundamental factors of brand reputation
In the previous paragraph I defined brand reputation as multidimensional, this is precisely because the factors or dimensions that contribute to creating and defining it over time are multiple.

The reputation institute for example describes seven, let’s look at them together:

  • Performance: everything related to the success or failure of the company such as financial performance and profits:
  • Products and services: the quality of products and services contributes massively to the creation of a lasting brand reputation, consequently the latter will be directly proportional to it;
  • Innovation: represents the dimension in which a company is able to adapt to both social and economic changes in the market, always coming up with new and better solutions;
  • Corporate culture and work environment: a company’s ability to create and maintain a stimulating and pleasant work environment over time affects productivity and its ability to attract and retain talented people. Satisfied and fulfilled employees actually become what are called brand evangelists, the main promoters of positive word of mouth;
  • Leadership: simple; brand reputation is directly proportional to the reputation of its leaders;
  • Citizenship: this dimension today as in the past proves to have a strong impact on the brand reputation that is created over time. In fact, it represents the social responsibility that the company has towards communities, the environment and issues related to collective welfare;
  • Governance: Here the dimension of ethics and corporate choices in the businesses undertaken comes into play.

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Customer Journey: What it is Sat, 17 Dec 2022 14:16:35 +0000 Do you keep track of your customers’ customer journey? Identifying the journey your potential customers take between the time they get to know you until they decide to buy is critical because, with these insights, you can optimize your marketing investments and even improve your customers’ preferred tools. If you don’t know what the customer […]

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Do you keep track of your customers’ customer journey?

Identifying the journey your potential customers take between the time they get to know you until they decide to buy is critical because, with these insights, you can optimize your marketing investments and even improve your customers’ preferred tools.

If you don’t know what the customer journey is, you are in the right place!

In this in-depth discussion we will address:

  • define what is meant by customer journey and explain what it is,
  • unveil the business benefits of tracking it,
  • specify what the customer journey map is,
  • identify what the stages of the customer journey are.

The definition of customer journey
Let’s start with the definition of customer journey.

The literal translation of these two words is “customer journey.”

Starting with the translation, we can say that customer journey means the journey that the customer takes from the first contact with your company (whether it is on the website, through a Google Ads, with the placement of your site or on social networks) until the moment they actually become a customer.

All contact points that the potential customer has had with the company are considered.

Every single interaction with social pages, every single website visit or newsletter sign-up, just everything.

The customer journey can be considered as a real relationship between customers and the company.

Going on, we will see what are all the advantages of the company in exactly tracking the customer journey.

Customer journey: what are the business benefits
By identifying your customers’ customer journey, you can unearth the most effective touch points and those that need to be improved in order to increase conversion and improve sales results.

But it doesn’t end there, a really essential benefit is being able to statistically predict the next step the customer will take (based on where they are in the customer journey).

Identifying the entire journey is a bit like predicting the future of customers within your company.

If you can predict what the next step will be, you can be in the right place at the right time by offering them the right solutions to their problems or the right products for their needs.

This also increases customer consideration and trust (perhaps accelerating the sales pipeline).

In this regard, Aberdeen Group’s report gives just a few figures, which we quote below, regarding the annual growth of companies that have tracked the customer journey:

  • sales from referrals increased 5 times,
  • sales paths 18 times faster than the previous year,
  • ROI improved by 54%,
  • +56% increase in sales through upselling and cross-selling.

In order to pinpoint exactly the customer’s path to purchase, it is necessary to draw a map showing all contact points with the company; this is called a customer journey map.

Customer journey map: what it is and how it is considered
The customer journey map is the drawn mapping of the entire customer purchase journey.

It can be considered a true illustration that allows, even visually, to identify all the touch points (the points of contact) of the customer and find out how to anticipate their moves.

In the customer journey map you also identify all the platforms that customers interact with, which sites they used to learn about our brand, which social networks they use, which pages of your site they visit, and which product sheets they visit the most.

This will also help you become aware of which tools to invest your marketing budget in.

Click visit counts and all the other marketing insights that platforms make available can be cross-referenced and mapped through any CRM (customer relationship management) tool.

Customer journey mapping works best in both B2B and B2C markets.

Let’s find out what the stages of a typical customer’s purchase journey are so that we have some real-world examples of what data to track.

The stages of the customer journey
The marketplace, thanks to online, is evolving very quickly and the customer journey with it.

New contacts, new platforms and new ideas for meeting potential customers are created every day.

This is why we recommend mapping the customer buying journey periodically to recheck and update any touch points.

In the B2C market, it is easy for the first touch point with the company to occur online, until the offline purchase path is concluded.

One way in which the customer journey can be tracked is through a model called AIDA.

AIDA stands for the four stages of the customer journey:

  1. Awareness.
    At this stage, the customer begins his or her journey toward loyalty with the company.
    The potential customer realizes that he or she has a problem to solve or a need to satisfy and begins to seek solutions by meeting with the company.
    At this stage, the company must focus on finding ways to get the potential customer’s attention; if it succeeds in this goal, the customer journey is continued.
  2. Interest.
    Through its content, the company should have succeeded in capturing the attention of the customer, who begins to show interest in the products and services offered.
    They consult product sheets, look for reviews, and inquire.
    The business goal at this stage is to make itself better known and demonstrate to the customer that he can find his solution.
    Warning. Tell only the truth otherwise all your work will become useless.
    To succeed in keeping the customer’s interest, it is necessary to make an analysis of the company’s strengths and weaknesses and to know on which fronts to focus interest.
  3. Desire.
    After devoting his attention and interest to a particular brand, the customer moves on to the desire-to-buy stage.
    He is thinking about buying but is still unsure. Often customers at this stage find themselves trying to figure out which product is best suited for their needs and make some price considerations.
    At this stage, the company must ask how to help him choose, to clarify his ideas.
    Some interesting suggestions for continuing the customer journey could be to offer a free limited trial or a free consultation or helpful guide to learn about the products.
  4. Action.
    The last stage is the action stage, in which the customer journey ends with the purchase of the product or service.

At this stage, the company must ask itself what to do to make the purchase as easy as possible, such as setting up a payment method in a few clicks or making a service center available.

At this stage, the company must ask itself what to do to make the purchase as easy as possible, such as setting up a payment method in just a few clicks or making a service center available.

The customer journey officially ends with the customer’s purchase, but this does not mean that the company’s efforts should end here.
To further optimize sales results, it is also important to engage on the retention of customers who have already purchased and to continue to make sales with follow-up purchases.

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Piano di Marketing O Piano Marketing: Cos’è Sat, 17 Dec 2022 14:11:30 +0000 The Marketing Plan or Marketing Plan, is a very important tool at the basis of any business or entrepreneurial project. In fact, the Marketing Plan is used to establish what the goals to be achieved, in a given time frame, will be and the chosen strategies chosen to do so. A good Marketing Plan, and […]

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The Marketing Plan or Marketing Plan, is a very important tool at the basis of any business or entrepreneurial project. In fact, the Marketing Plan is used to establish what the goals to be achieved, in a given time frame, will be and the chosen strategies chosen to do so.

A good Marketing Plan, and structured, accurate and well-planned, so its design must necessarily be entrusted to experienced Marketing professionals.

How is the structure of a good Marketing Plan divided?

  • The structure of a good Marketing Plan is divided by considering two macro time areas: long term and short term.
  • The Long-term Plan, focuses on: defining long-term goals (months/years), careful analysis of our competitors and target market, defines roles and responsibilities, and very importantly casts the guidelines of the marketing strategy.

The short-term plan, on the other hand, agrees on: defining short-term goals (days/weeks) and the set of strategies to achieve those goals.
That premise having been made, let us now see in practice what to include in our Marketing Plan when we go to draft it.

What to include in your Marketing Plan?
Certainly the main things to include in your Marketing Plan are:

  • The goals to be achieved in the short and long term;
  • A scenario analysis, it is used to forecast alternatives with respect to possible economic and financial variables;
  • The strategies you indicate you will use to achieve your goals, whether short- or long-term;
  • A consistent and honest analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your products or services;
  • The price/value of your products or services, in relation to your target market;
  • The most accurate analysis possible of your Target Audiences, i.e., who your typical customers are;
  • What business resources you have;
  • The definition of business roles and tasks;
  • The Touch points, between your company and your typical customers,
  • The KPIs to constantly monitor the performance, in real time, of your company.

Writing an effective Marketing Plan as you see, requires a deep understanding of the market, as it will have to be analyzed and studied in order to understand what the habits of your typical customers are, and how your products and services can intersect with them.

The Marketing Plan constitutes a real compass that can keep us on course toward achieving our goals, without getting lost wasting energy and resources unnecessarily.

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Monitoring An E-Commerce: The Best Tools Sat, 17 Dec 2022 13:42:06 +0000 E-commerce monitoring is of paramount importance to understand whether the Web site is working properly, to carry out an evaluation of Web Marketing activities, and to detect the presence of navigational or technical problems. The data that are analyzed are qualitative and quantitative and are able to rise to the role of guiding the actions […]

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E-commerce monitoring is of paramount importance to understand whether the Web site is working properly, to carry out an evaluation of Web Marketing activities, and to detect the presence of navigational or technical problems.

The data that are analyzed are qualitative and quantitative and are able to rise to the role of guiding the actions that need to be implemented to make performance even better.

All this is even more important for an e-commerce, which is called upon to evaluate sales, product preferences, shopping carts, effectiveness of promotions, contact requests, from the rate of cart abandonment at checkout.

What is important to monitor in an e-commerce? Let’s look at it below.

Monitoring an e-commerce: what to see
The first thing an ecommerce must enable is advanced tracking of both transactions and sales, as well as intermediate steps, such as a shopping cart being added or removed, product clicks, how check-outs behave, and the display of promotional banners.

Also particularly useful are product reports, which help ecommerce identify the top-performing and underperforming products, and then identify appropriate marketing strategies.

Advanced tracking, then, is critical to improving overall e-commerce performance, but there are other metrics that are important, despite the fact that they do not have a close link to purchase.

For example, through the use of Google Tag Manager, it is possible to track contact form completion, emails leaving the Web site, various calls, file downloads, and newsletter sign-ups.

Very important is to analyze the purchase profile of customers, of their loyalty and spending capacity. In this way, e-commerce will be able to determine what are the best marketing strategies customized for different groups of customers.

In light of what has been said so far, we will discuss the monitoring tools of an e-commerce in the next section.

E-commerce monitoring tools
E-commerce monitoring tools include the following:

  • SeoZoom: this is an Italian-language tool that indicates the positioning of an e-commerce. This allows you to analyze both your own ranking and that of your competitors.
  • Google Search Console former Webmaster Tool: this is the best tool for analyzing an e-commerce site, as you can get a complete picture of its health and ranking, as well as the presence of any errors. Within search console it is possible to submit the sitemap.xml of the site, so as to get proper indexing.
  • GTMetrix: is an online tool with which to monitor the speed of a Web site, as well as its weak points. The data analysis is accompanied by advice from PageSpeed and YSlow, two excellent tools that show what there is to improve.
  • Google Structured Data Analysis: so many Web sites continue to snub structured data. Instead, it would be good to include checking competitor sites in the analysis. This Google monitoring tool offers a technical analysis, which allows a thorough check of the snippets that you absolutely must activate.
  • SeoQuake: is an SEO analysis tool, to be added in Chrome as a plugin, which provides lots of data inherent to a site, such as those regarding external and internal links on the page, ownership data, etc. It is particularly useful when it is necessary to conduct a competitor analysis and audit and, therefore, define a strategy.
  • Google page speed: in the context of positioning, it is the best tool for analyzing both the usability and speed of an e-commerce. It offers a lot of data that is accompanied by suggestions and directions for improving page performance.
  • HotJar: is a very powerful tool as it offers the ability to create both a heat map and mouse movements on a page. In this way it is possible to understand whether the text, fonts, button positions and colors are suitable for the intended purpose.

Those listed are just some of the tools for monitoring an e-commerce, but they are undoubtedly the best ones to rely on.

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Inventory Inventories Of An E-Commerce Store, What They Are And How To Manage Them Sat, 17 Dec 2022 13:39:15 +0000 he inventories of an e-commerce store are the inventories of goods for sale. Because the inventory management mode has changed completely in recent years, physical stores that have one or more Web channels have been forced to place orders more continuously. The assortment in the warehouse has expanded quite a bit, turning the activity of […]

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he inventories of an e-commerce store are the inventories of goods for sale. Because the inventory management mode has changed completely in recent years, physical stores that have one or more Web channels have been forced to place orders more continuously.

The assortment in the warehouse has expanded quite a bit, turning the activity of inventory management more complex than in the past.

Consequently, with the status of a warehouse changing very rapidly, it has become essential to update it, checking which goods are in stock, which to order, the quantity of a particular product, how long it has been in stock, and more.

Poor inventory management can cause unwanted errors and hiccups, leading users to abandon the cart without finalizing the purchase.

From an economic perspective, optimally controlling inventory means being able to measure the company’s performance and maintenance costs.

But how should an e-commerce store’s inventory be managed? Let’s look at it below.

Inventories of an e-commerce: how to manage them
Perfect management of an e-commerce’s inventories must take into account the following elements:

  • The level of service: this is the ability to offer potential customers the products they want. If a customer’s request is not met, it means that an e-commerce was not able to offer him the service he wanted. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the available stock to meet his needs. An excess of items, however, could lead to a not inconsiderable expense. To measure the maximum service level point, one must multiply the marginal unit cost of an item by the daily cost of maintaining it inside the warehouse, then divide the product by one hundred. A satisfactory result is between 50 and 99.
  • The status of the item: this is the classification of stock in the warehouse. In order to create a differentiation of stock according to specific criteria, it is necessary to distinguish them quickly and easily. Items that are sold more often should be more numerous than those that are sold infrequently.
  • Lead time: should be calculated in days. If the company produces the items directly, the value identifies the time it takes to produce them; if it buys them, it is the time between their ordering and availability for sale.
  • The reorder interval: is the time it takes to understand the type of goods needed and how much is needed before ordering them.

Stocks of unavailable products
Stocks of unavailable products is an event that rarely occurs, but it can happen. To remedy this inconvenience, you could offer a customer the purchase of a similar product at a discount or by returning the amount they paid or offering them a good buy of the same amount.

The key thing is to return to customers an e-commerce image of absolute efficiency and promptness. When a mistake is accompanied by a willingness to remedy it in every way, the error is always forgiven. On the other hand, the mindless carelessness is not.

In the next paragraph we will discuss dropshipping, that is, selling without a warehouse.

Selling without a warehouse: dropshipping
Dropshipping is considered by many as a logistics model, which allows a business to be liquid, since it will only be called upon to meet variable costs.

The characteristic of dropshipping is that it does not follow rigid, standard models. There are two logistics solutions:

  • triangulation, with the supplier delivering the goods directly to the end customer;
  • groupage, with the supplier shipping the goods to the e-commerce instead of to the end customer.

In the latter case, the e-commerce will receive what is ordered from the suppliers, especially if there are more than one product ordered for a single order. This is either to control the goods more accurately or to prevent different packages from arriving at the end customer.

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What is Funnel Marketing Sat, 17 Dec 2022 13:34:14 +0000 Funnel marketing leads audiences along increasingly complex and sophisticated paths to turn strangers into loyal customers, motivate them to purchase and turn them into brand ambassadors. In other words, an enthusiastic customer who is happy that he or she chose the company’s product or service because, by making the transaction, he or she got something […]

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Funnel marketing leads audiences along increasingly complex and sophisticated paths to turn strangers into loyal customers, motivate them to purchase and turn them into brand ambassadors.

In other words, an enthusiastic customer who is happy that he or she chose the company’s product or service because, by making the transaction, he or she got something he or she needs. Here are some examples:

  • valuable support;
  • useful information;
  • free content.

The funnel intersects with the method of inbound marketing, the process of finding the right people at the right time, an evolution toward permission marketing that breaks down the disruption model suggested by Seth Godin.

Why, then, use funnel marketing? Let’s look at it below.

Why use funnel marketing
Funnel marketing allows you to develop contacts at various stages of the sales process. The lead enrolls in a contact form (this can also be done via chat) and will begin to receive various messages that will nurture him or her and lead him or her to finalize the business relationship. But that is not all.

Once the sale is made, it will be possible to strengthen the relationship with followers even more. The ways in which you can improve relationships with subscribers depends on your target audience and goals, such as services, special discounts, and offers that are added to your content.

Remember, however, that in such a path you can work on Up Selling and Cross Selling, that is, sales regarding higher and complementary categories. Let us now see what are the basic stages of funnel marketing.

Funnel marketing: the fundamental phases
The stages of funnel marketing are as follows:

Brand Awareness: it is necessary to make sure that the brand is well known in the industry. In other words, it is necessary for the audience to start trusting it. It is quite complicated to do lead generation if the brand is not a well-known one and you spend money on advertising in vain. So, start with the brand. A phase this where it is important to work on tools to help you move in this direction, whether it is limiting the use of social media, focusing on video marketing or working on a company blog. It depends entirely on the context. You just have to find the ideal solution so that you can increase interest in the brand.

Finding active leads: you need to start by getting leads that are fit for purpose. The term refers to consumers who might show interest in offers. You can use several ways to do this, such as blogs and social media (Facebook ADS can be very helpful). But the most important thing you need is a lead-magnet, i.e., research and data, free ebooks, case studies, materials and forms, white papers.

In the next section we look at what lead nurturing is.

Lead nurturing
The lead nurturing process is critical. Once the contact has been acquired, it is necessary to ensure conversion.

Learning the strategy is very important because how you build the lead will change behavior. You may need to move to direct sales or follow a more structured path.

This Moz funnel best describes the work of nurturing leads. Once you get a lead, you can turn them into a potential customer by sending them more specific content, providing a pathway that turns unknown people into interested people and then into potential customers. Breaking down content marketing into specific aspects can be done as follows:

  • Top of funnel content: generic and poorly specific solutions.
  • Middle of funnel content: pointing toward something more focused.
  • Bottom of funnel content: the end of the line.

In the next section we will discuss the pros and cons of funnel marketing.

Pros and cons of funnel marketing
Among the pros of funnel marketing is the ability to maximize the use of various mechanisms designed to automate the sending of messages and emails so that information is delivered to subscribers within a database and without human intervention.

Among the cons is the design, which must be done with great care to achieve the right effect.

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The Editorial Plan For The Blog: What It Is And How To Create And Organize The PED Sat, 17 Dec 2022 09:36:38 +0000 To grow your business and expand it in the marketplace, you need to ensure your brand presence online. Online communication requires the creation of quality content that helps consumers discover our brand and the value of the products or services we offer. Very often, however, small and medium-sized companies do not invest enough time and […]

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To grow your business and expand it in the marketplace, you need to ensure your brand presence online. Online communication requires the creation of quality content that helps consumers discover our brand and the value of the products or services we offer.

Very often, however, small and medium-sized companies do not invest enough time and money to create content that provides information to customers and, at the same time, raises brand awareness, increasing site traffic.

In addition, creating good content that is SEO-optimized contributes to higher ranking results, as Google tends to “reward” those sites that provide good content to users. (ask for a seo consultation)

The higher it is ranked on Google, the more the website will be visited by users who are still in the first stage of purchase and who, therefore, are looking for information and advice.

In order for content sharing on the site to be effective, it must be constant and planned.With this in mind, the need to create an editorial plan seems obvious.

Let’s find out what an editorial plan is and how you can create one that is well structured.

What is an editorial plan?
The editorial plan is document by which you can plan and control the content to be published on a site, and which allows you to maintain the same communication strategy.

It is not to be confused with the editorial calendar, in which you set the publishing schedule, which should already be included in the editorial plan.

A well-structured editorial plan is essential for determining what types of content to create and organizing its publication.

Why it is important to create an editorial plan
Creating an editorial plan is important for a website blog as it allows you to:

  • Why it is important to create an editorial plan
    Creating an editorial plan is important for a website blog as it allows you to:
  • to spend less time choosing what content to implement. In fact, having established them beforehand, there is no need to study them time after time;
    to be timely in publishing content while keeping the site up-to-date;
    to establish the communication strategy to be adopted, establishing the topics to be covered, the tone of voice to be used and how often to publish content.

How to best organize a PED
You can make your editorial plan on any type of document that suits you best, such as Word, Excel, Google Docs or Google Sheets.

Once you have determined the most suitable type of document, you need to enter:

  • The categories into which to classify content. In the case of a blog associated with a pharmacy, content can be placed in different categories, depending on the type of drug;
  • a description of the topics to be covered;
  • the keywords to be included in the article. On the one hand, these are useful for identifying the type of content; on the other hand, they are indispensable for good Google rankings;
  • the title of the article;
  • useful notes for the creation of the content;
  • the date of publication;
  • the publication status of the content;
  • whether the client has approved it;
  • other necessary information.

Depending on the goals to be achieved, sections of the editorial plan can be added or removed to achieve the organization best suited to your needs.

How to create editorial plan content
To create an effective editorial plan you need to start with a careful analysis of your company, determining what kind of customers your content is aimed at and what your competitors are offering.

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Reader Personas: What They Are And How To Create Them For The Blog Sat, 17 Dec 2022 09:28:13 +0000 If you want to have a successful blog you have to focus on people, on your readers, you can’t do otherwise. Sure, Keyword analysis and selection, all the work on the SEO (here a consultation)of your blog and also the scheduling of your audience’s favorite content are crucial, we can’t deny it, but there’s a […]

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If you want to have a successful blog you have to focus on people, on your readers, you can’t do otherwise.

Sure, Keyword analysis and selection, all the work on the SEO (here a consultation)of your blog and also the scheduling of your audience’s favorite content are crucial, we can’t deny it, but there’s a catch: “If you don’t create your blog’s reades personas, all your scheduling might turn out to be really ineffective.”

Here is an analysis of reader personas that will help you increase your blog’s results.

What is a Reader Personas?
Reader personas, is the target group of your blog, that is, your readers.

The readers of your articles have common characteristics, tastes, knowledge that you need to know in order to write your content directly to them.

You may know the needs and wants that reader personas feel in order to create articles and content on your blog perfect for them.

Creating a reader personas means creating a kind of identity document of your readers, in this document you can put all the most relevant information you have to use every time you write on your blog.

Analyzing and defining reader personas allows you to optimize your Tone of Voice and your communication style based on your readers.

There is no minimum number of reader personas you can write, you can find out how many there are only after you have analyzed your audience, on average you will identify about 3 or 4 reader personas per blog.

How to create a reader personas?
To create a reader personas you must first start by collecting data about your readers.

How do you collect the data?

  • Through anonymous surveys sent to your entire audience (quantitative data);
  • sales data;
  • data available on google analytics;
  • experience with customer care and specific customer requests;
  • private conversations with customers and readers.

For each reader personas try to identify:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • geographic area of membership;
  • level of education;
  • employment;
  • family status;
  • possible income.

Then you can proceed to collect other quantitative data such as interests and online searches from some SEO tools such as:

  • Tendenza di Google;
  • Google Keyword Planner;
  • Google Suggest.

Once you have gathered as much information as possible you can proceed with creating the personas templates.

Templates and techniques for creating personas
After data collection, the data reflection and categorization phase begins.

You need to identify how many reader personas are in front of you and combine similar characteristics.

Slowly as you go along with time, experience will teach you which features you got right and which ones need to be adjusted, and you can gradually add more details for each reader personas.

The post Reader Personas: What They Are And How To Create Them For The Blog appeared first on SEO, content marketing, social marketing and digital advertising.

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Brief sul copywriting: Cos’è E Come Crearlo Sat, 17 Dec 2022 09:19:58 +0000 If you are a Copywriter and your job is to produce content of various kinds both online and offline, this article is definitely for you. Have you ever heard of Copywriting Brief? If the answer is no, just know that it is an indispensable element if your intent is to write compelling, engaging and effective […]

The post Brief sul copywriting: Cos’è E Come Crearlo appeared first on SEO, content marketing, social marketing and digital advertising.


If you are a Copywriter and your job is to produce content of various kinds both online and offline, this article is definitely for you. Have you ever heard of Copywriting Brief? If the answer is no, just know that it is an indispensable element if your intent is to write compelling, engaging and effective content.

Continue reading the article to find out how it can help you create better content.

What is a Copywriting Brief
A Copywriter Brief, is a document that allows you to capture and fully understand what is the essence of a Brand, its values and goals, giving you the ability to create and structure content that is literally sewn to the same.

The creation of a Copywriter Brief can take time, research and a lot of attention to fully understand the industry you are working on, and without a doubt, it is the only document through which you will be able to create valuable content for that specific company.

The creation of this document as well as essential must be done through processes that are clear and precise, especially regarding the content and information it will contain.

Let’s see together what it is all about.

How to create a Copywriting Brief
To begin the creation of a Copywriting Brief it is necessary to indicate all that are the essential data of the company or brand with which we are working.

The information you will necessarily need to get will be:

  • name of the brand or company;
  • contact information;
  • target industry;
  • description, albeit brief, of the brand or company;
  • description of products and services offered;
  • copy design (site content, Advertising).

Once you have accomplished this first step you can move on to expand your Brief by including information such as the Brand’s history, Mission and Values.

Your content, should describe in depth if somewhat, let’s say charmingly, what exactly the company is about, what its history is (where it came from) and its mission (where it wants to go) and its values.

This information, usually (it depends very much on the type of company you are working with) you will be able to find out by talking directly to the owner or CEO of the company, while in more structured and larger companies you will have to approach the account manager.

In the event that a brand or company has not yet defined these points, history, mission and values the only thing you can do is to be patient and if you have the opportunity, talk to owners or managers.

Defining the target audience and brand goals

Another key thing for a Copywriting Brief is to define exactly the brand’s target audience and goals by answering these questions:

  • Who does it target?
  • Who are your products and services aimed at?
  • How to bring a potential customer to be a de facto customer?

Speaking of target audience, defining it clearly will allow you, during production, to hit the right spots and send the message only to those who might be really interested in the products and services offered by the brand.

To define the target audience you can help yourself by having data such as:

  • Google Analitics data;
  • data from site registrations;
  • data collected through market research that the company has done;
  • Iinformation on gender, age, interests and habits.

Accompanying this must also be a clear definition of business goals.

This is indispensable, in order to create content perfectly aimed at achieving them.

The post Brief sul copywriting: Cos’è E Come Crearlo appeared first on SEO, content marketing, social marketing and digital advertising.

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