If you want to have a successful blog you have to focus on people, on your readers, you can’t do otherwise.

Sure, Keyword analysis and selection, all the work on the SEO (here a consultation)of your blog and also the scheduling of your audience’s favorite content are crucial, we can’t deny it, but there’s a catch: “If you don’t create your blog’s reades personas, all your scheduling might turn out to be really ineffective.”

Here is an analysis of reader personas that will help you increase your blog’s results.

What is a Reader Personas?
Reader personas, is the target group of your blog, that is, your readers.

The readers of your articles have common characteristics, tastes, knowledge that you need to know in order to write your content directly to them.

You may know the needs and wants that reader personas feel in order to create articles and content on your blog perfect for them.

Creating a reader personas means creating a kind of identity document of your readers, in this document you can put all the most relevant information you have to use every time you write on your blog.

Analyzing and defining reader personas allows you to optimize your Tone of Voice and your communication style based on your readers.

There is no minimum number of reader personas you can write, you can find out how many there are only after you have analyzed your audience, on average you will identify about 3 or 4 reader personas per blog.

How to create a reader personas?
To create a reader personas you must first start by collecting data about your readers.

How do you collect the data?

  • Through anonymous surveys sent to your entire audience (quantitative data);
  • sales data;
  • data available on google analytics;
  • experience with customer care and specific customer requests;
  • private conversations with customers and readers.

For each reader personas try to identify:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • geographic area of membership;
  • level of education;
  • employment;
  • family status;
  • possible income.

Then you can proceed to collect other quantitative data such as interests and online searches from some SEO tools such as:

  • Tendenza di Google;
  • Google Keyword Planner;
  • Google Suggest.

Once you have gathered as much information as possible you can proceed with creating the personas templates.

Templates and techniques for creating personas
After data collection, the data reflection and categorization phase begins.

You need to identify how many reader personas are in front of you and combine similar characteristics.

Slowly as you go along with time, experience will teach you which features you got right and which ones need to be adjusted, and you can gradually add more details for each reader personas.

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