Inbound Marketing is a business marketing philosophy by which one can provide the user with all the information he or she needs but in a non-invasive way, rather, by having the user find the company and the content it offers. Inbound is a complex of digital and market strategies that allow you to attract quality traffic to your business site, eCommerce, blog, and so on.
Among the main benefits of Inbound Marketing is the increase in traffic, but also the enhancement of the company’s image and its credibility and the retention of customers through smoother and faster interaction. So Inbound Marketing is very useful, especially for small and medium-sized companies and freelancers.
What is the functioning of Inbound Marketing
The operation of Inbound Marketing is based on various concepts that are very different, if not opposite, from those typical of traditional advertising, which is also known as the Outbound Method.
To better understand how Inbound Marketing works, let’s analyze all the fundamental aspects of it below.
Fundamental aspects of Inbound Marketing
The fundamental aspects and peculiarities of Inbound Marketing include the following:
- It is the user himself who finds the corporate or eCommerce blog as a result of searching for content that he finds useful for his specific needs: therefore, Inbound Marketing is characterized by the spontaneity of the action performed by the user.
- The visitor registers to the site much more willingly, because he is not forced to do so and, on the contrary, he himself provides his data completely voluntarily through a form that is usually found on the landing page. The user is more enticed to register thanks also to free gifts or special benefits that the company offers him in return.
- Inbound Marketing allows users to open their own advertising channel that is not intrusive like traditional ones and that companies can control independently and at any time without having to rely on third parties.
What is the value that Inbound Marketing brings to the company
Inbound Marketing is a strategy that allows companies to immediately understand and monitor all the benefits offered in real time, and also allows them to attract many more customers at significantly reduced costs.
Here are all the main benefits offered by Inbound Marketing:
- Attracts more quality traffic, as users who land on the site or blog have arrived voluntarily as a result of a search for useful and interesting content that they themselves have carried out and are therefore potentially much more likely to purchase than random users.
- It increases the potential for visitor conversion through the collection of leads, i.e., the named and contact information of users who register using the appropriate form. The database thus created is of quality and includes people who are genuinely interested in the products offered by the company, and who will therefore convert more easily into customers who buy.
- It frames the customer in a way that prepares them to buy, because with a quality database it is easier to plan targeted advertising that will increase sales of a particular product or service.
- It boosts the brand’s image and enhances its reputation by publishing quality content, an operation that is called branding, and by facilitating meetings with its target customers. For branding to be truly effective, SEO optimization of the site or blog and a targeted social communication plan are necessary. (ask for a seo consultation)
- It facilitates interaction between users and the content offered by the company or professional and strengthens the link between them and new potential clients. In the Inbound Marketing strategy, the blog tool is fundamental, as all the content and information it needs is published there. This is why it is important to enable and keep active the comments section, which triggers a feedback mechanism that is also closely connected with social networks. A mechanism designed in this way generates what is called engagement, which is a closer relationship between companies and customers that leads more easily to customer loyalty.
- It makes it possible to gain credibility and win the trust of customers through the publication of quality content and the resulting increase in online prestige, which causes the company or freelancer to become a true industry specialist.
- Allows you to create your own promotion channel without the need to rely on intermediaries, resulting in increased chances of increasing ROI, the return on investment.
- It facilitates and optimizes the buying cycle, which for the consumer follows four basic steps and is summarized by the English acronym of AIDA:
- Attention (or Awareness): an individual notices that he or she has a problem or need and wonders how he or she can solve it.
o Interest (or Interest): the person searches for all possible information about the various options available to him that could solve his problem or satisfy his need.
o Decision (or Decision): at this stage, the consumer uses a selection criterion to choose the best option for his or her needs. The choice is made by analyzing the following factors: cost, shipping and delivery time, product quality, and many others.
o Action (or Action): this is the stage of the actual sale.
So the buying cycle starts from the spontaneous search of the customer who visits the blog because he is looking for particular content, products or services and ends with the purchase of a good that he deems necessary for his needs. This cycle is made more fluid thanks to Inbound Marketing, which allows you to get in touch more quickly with lots of new potential customers.